digital signing with smartContract

Importance of Digital Signing In The Time Of Pandemic

We are probably stating the obvious here, but this is a challenging time for every business. Businesses are finding it hard to carry out their operations as the global lockdown has confined most of their workforce to their houses. The businesses are consistently taking the help of various technology solutions for making their remote teams run the business as usual. These experiences are not only making them realize the critical role the technology can play in their business continuity plans, but it will probably also prompt businesses to reassess their digital transformation strategies and push the digital transformation initiatives forward with a greater sense of urgency.

At smartContract we have been closely monitoring the impact of the current situation on the legal operations. Businesses run on contracts and contracts are simply a piece of paper until they are validated with signatures. In India, where an ink signature is common and prevalent practice, suddenly signing of contracts has gone beyond our reach. We are facing a big question of how to execute contracts in these circumstances of lockdown and social distancing.

smartContract has always been focusing on the digital transformation of the contracting processes. To help customers in these unprecedented times, we have now integrated smartContract with the leading Digital Signature platforms that are legally enforceable as per the Indian IT Act and Indian Evidence Act. Our customers can now execute contracts from remote locations and without requiring the physical presence of the signing authorities. While the digital signature may be very relevant today, it is also possible that the current circumstances may push companies to adopt these practices for the want of an alternative, but we strongly feel that digital signatures will play a big role in digital transformation and will help companies to streamline their signature processes even in the post-COVID era. With Digital Signature delivering the obvious benefits of ease of use, instant execution, 100% security with global reach, we see this as an opportunity for the businesses to replace paper-based workflows to not just navigate through these times but also to start using digital signatures for saving cost and closing the deals quicker.

We at smartContract are helping our customers in this journey and are offering a secure and seamless signing process for the below Digital Signature methods:

  • Aadhar Based e-Sign
  • DSC e-Token Sign
  • Digital Authentication (Virtual Sign)

Let us help you switch to Digital Signing with smartContract and choose a safe way of managing contracts.

For a demo or any query feel free to get in touch. You can reach out to us at or call quickly at +91-8295881501.

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